Adam Cobb Computer Scientist



I am currently a Senior Computer Scientist at SRI International focusing on uncertainty quantification in machine learning. I am based in Washington, DC.


I completed my PhD at the University of Oxford, under the supervision of Prof. Stephen Roberts and Prof. Andrew Markham. The PhD focused on uncertainty quantification in machine learning. Throughout my PhD I studied a wide variety of topics, broadly falling under the category of Bayesian inference. After completing my PhD, I moved to Washington DC and worked for a year as an ORAU Postdoctoral Research Fellow at ARL.

My undergraduate master’s was in Engineering Science at the University of Oxford. The degree covered aspects of Information, Electrical, Civil, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, where I finally ending up specialising in Information Engineering. My thesis focused on detecting exoplanets (planets around other stars) in the Kepler Mission data consisting of three and a half years of observations.

Academic Interests


Outside my academic work I have a variety of interests and hobbies that I pursue. As an avid Chelsea fan, it is no surprise that my favourite sport is football, which I enjoy playing and watching. I also enjoy running, swimming, golf and tennis. I am also a keen traveller and I have been lucky enough to visit a fair number of interesting places.

Note about the website:

This website has been adapted from the Lagrange layout.